Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Kuala Rompin Sailfish Fishing - Transportation

Kuala Rompin Sailfish Fishing - Transportation

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We use MPV whenever we travel to Kuala Rompin. Its the most comfortable mode of transport compared to van used by others.
Pick up and drop off are down anywhere in Kuala Lumpur or
from Kuala Lumpur Internationa Airport (KLIA) or LCCT (Low Cost Terminal) for budget airlines.
We pick you up anytimes depend on your arrival. Unless you say otherwise.
The optimum capacity would be six with driver, bags and fishing equipments.
Travel times is 4 hours but not limited to that for sight seeing, buying of stuffs such as foods, fruits, river prawn and fish, site tour and others.

Kuala Rompin Malaysia - The Jetty

Kuala Rompin Malaysia - The Jetty

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The sailfish fishing jetty from where you depart to the sailfish spot is not far from the Kuala Rompin town.

The Jetty is situated between Lanjut Beach & Golf Resort (Serai At Lanjut - Please refer tripadvisor for rating under the name of ketutubud) and the Kuala Rompin Town. And its about 1km away from the main road.

Kuala Rompin is a small town situated along the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Assessing to Kuala Rompin is either from Singapore airport or Kuala Lumpur Internationa Airport if you are arriving outside Malaysia. Travelling is almost 4 hours from either of these two airport in a luxury MPV.

There are two restaurants besides the jetty one serve chinese and non-chinese food. Of course there are other restaurants besides these two at Kuala Rompin Town. Fishes that besides sailfish that can be bring on shore can be cooked by any restaurants in Kuala Rompin.

The jetty is make of mangrove woods tree (which is traditional way of making jetty in Kuala Rompin) and its can last a long times.

The Jetty is unlike any luxury marina that you seen round the world. Its just not more than a place for those roughly 30 boats to be parked and tie together.

Evening around18:00 is the most busier times at the jetty when all the sailfish boats are back. When everything are being off load from the boat by those anglers, its the turn for the boatman to clean up their boat in preparation for different group day after. Whereas anglers are busy counting the catch (besides sailfish which is catch and release) and watching them before its being brought to a restaurant near by or back home.

There are also a role of chalets with attached bathroom besides the jetty. Those chalets belong to the owner of the chinese restaurant.

Those who stays at the chalets would usually hang around and have their dinner and beer around the restaurant till times go to bed. They are many from different part of the globe that converge at this Asia Capital Of Sailfish and share among each other their angling experience before they call it a night.

 View Of Boats Along The Jetty

From On Top Of The Jetty

View Of The River Mouth

Chalets Besides The Jetty
What a jewel to be found in Malaysia, Kuala Rompin. And yet that is ony part of Kuala Rompin, and many natural treasure are still yet to be explore in this little town.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Kuala Rompin - Size And Shape Of Sailfish Fishing Boat

Size And Shape Of Sailfish Fishing Boats
Lenght : 33 feets
Optimum Capacity : 7 persons with boat man
Toilet/Restroom : No
Engine : Two 100-200 hourse powers
Depart Jetty : 08:00am
Arrive Back To Jetty : 18:00
Sailfish Fishing Spot : Roughly 16 nautical miles off the shore
Pack lunch and mineral water are provided.
Fishing Equipment Can Be Rent If You Are Not Equipped. Please refer equipmet for sailfish
to find out more.
Please bring on shore all other fishes besides sailfish.
Please do not bring the sailfish on to the boat for more than 10 minutes
Revive sailfish back till its be able to move its bill before releasing it back to its nature.
Please turn back the boat to revive it again if the sailfish found to be still unconcious.
Please refer video proper way of releasing sailfish back to its nature.
Sailfish is protected species and can only be found in Kuala Rompin in this part of the world
Other info please email :

Beyond Sailfish Fishing In Kuala Rompin

Beyond Sailfish Fishing In Kuala Rompin

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Sailfish is not only the fishes could be found in Kuala Rompin, obviously no other fishes could beat the thrilled and fighting spirit of Sailfish. Other fishes (eatable) that could be found around the sea are Parrot, grouper, amberjack, barracuda and others. All the Sailfish boat operators there would be able to provide exact fishes name and spots, for you to bring back some fishes for Barbeque, but Sail/Bill fish is absolutely and definitely no, it’s protected creature. So remember, its still many other fishes besides sailfish.

Different Type Of Fish Besides Sail Fish
About 35 minutes down south from Kuala Rompin, passing through En
dau, Johor, is a small malay fishing village, Penyabong (Penyabung), situated two kelong (Residency in the middle of sea for anglers - picture), whereby you stay, fish, sleep, bath, eat (food & drink provided, BYO your own Beer or liquor or buy from them). Once you reach Penyabong, the Kelong operators would ferry you to the Kelong using a small fishing boat. Anyway, advance booking is required whether you would try your skill for one night or two.  Those two kelong are located quite close to each other and it’s around three nautical miles from the shore.

The type of fishes depend on seasons as well your luck, certain season is only cattle fish. Arrangement can also be made if you are into Kelong fishing.

Kelong fishing is more fun when you have a big group, anyone of this Kelong capable of housing 50-80 persons at any one time. You should be able to sumptuous the most fresh seafood inside the kelong, and Barbeque could be arranged if your group is big enough.

View Of A Kelong

Fishing and Relaxing On Top Of Kelong
Jetty To Kelong

Kuala Rompin Sailfish Fishing Equipment And Methods


Kuala Rompin Sailfish Fishing Equipments And Methods

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Equipments Can Be Rent If You Aint Got One
There are different types of fishing method for sailfish fishing. The most common use method in Kuala Rompin is drifting, and live bait such as Yellow Tail Scad (Kerisi), Herrings and Sardine (Tamban) & Indian Mackerel (Kembung) are used for this method. Our fishing guide will help you with getting all these baits and set it up for sailfish.

As for the line, a 80 pound leader is attached to the 40-50 pound monofilament or braided line, by using multiplier or spinner reel. Barbless circle hook the size of 5 or 6 is recommended with a rod of PE1-3” and the length of max 5 ½ feet.

The other uncommon methods for sailfish fishing are casting with lures or flyfishing.

Different Types Of Fishes To Be Found In Kuala Rompin Water
Anglers that have enough sailfish fishing, may also try out bottom fishing. Different fishes are being caught during different season and location. Typically, fishes such as amberjack, grouper, barracuda, parrot are abandon.

Kuala Rompin Sailfish Fishig - Experience Is Not The Must

Kuala Rompin Sailfish Fishing - Experience Is Not A Must

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Novice anglers with their sailfish. 
Least to worry if you are not equipped and is a first timer.

Just recently we took a group of young and some first times angler to Kuala Rompin for its famous sail fish sport fishing fun.

Most of them are the fist timer and comes without any fishing equipment, they just want to have fun and feel the trilled of catching all aggressive sail fish.

As the boat that we provide, beside its comes with well versed fishing guide, we do provide rental for fishing equipments (just let us know in advance no of anglers in advance).

Hence its all hassle free for wannabe anglers, even without experience, as our fishing guide that have been providing the services for many years will be assisting all the times and in everything. The guide will provide knowledge on fishing equipment, helping to tied the hook and baits, take you to the place to fish for the baits, the spot to find as many Sail Fish and last but not least bottom fishing (for other type of eatable fish) if you had enough of sail fish.
Different type of fishes are to be found in the water of Kuala Rompin.
The boat will be moving around to find the best spot for sailfish if a particular spot is not fruitfull.

Its everyone’s responsibility to ensure the survival and multiplication of sail fish, its even more so when holding up a sail fish for photo taking and right way for releasing Sail Fish back to its nature.

Itinerary :   

Night before – Overnight  at Kuala Rompin Beach Resort (RBR)

Meet up with Fishing Guide at land Mark (Shell Petrol Station – Only one in Kuala Rompin. If you prefer to park your car at RBR, the fishing guide will pick you up from RBP)

Departure From Kuala Rompin Boat Jetty – 8.00am

Arrival Back to Kuala Rompin Boat Jetty – 6.00pm-6.30pm

Back to Rompin Beach Resort (RBB)
We recommend minimum 3nights And 2Days package (At least you get 2 days of fishing)

Sailfish Putting Kuala Rompin Malaysia Top Of The World

Sailfish Putting Kuala Rompin Malaysia Top Of The World

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Having hailed from Kuala Rompin, and spent many years growing up there, and my exposure to how fishing is down in other countries, ie Australia, its always give me theknowledge to help out whatever I can to promote and preserved this home town of my mine to the outside world.

A Sailfish landmark in the middle of Kuala Rompin Town

Malaysian, as well other nationalities, are seldom beig exposed to the warm and beauty of what Kuala Rompin can offers. Kuala Rompin is never being promoted in the same manner as Cameron Highland, Genting Highland or Gunung Tahan Forest Reserve. Its has been sidelined by the federal and state government for such a long times of its capability to lure tourists and by passers.

Until sometimes ago some fisher man accidentally found out about it’s a breeding, feeding  ground and half way home for abandon of sail Fish from Feb – Nov, during the migration season from the North hemisphere to the south.

With that Kuala Rompin slowly but steady becomes the focal points of Sail/Bill Anglers around the world, and turn it into a jewel and becomes the Asia Capital Of Sailfish, with that comes along the support industry, with directly and indirectly contributed to the back bone of economy in Kuala Rompin, which used to depend largely on small skills fishing and farming.

Sailfish has put Kuala Rompin on to the world map, hence it’s not an option but to preserve the whole eco-system and responsible fishing be strictly enforced to ensure survival those fish and sustainable sailfish fishing. From my conversation with some fishermen, apparently some sail fish ended up inside those fishing net and be make as fertilizer (as no one really eat sailfish, fortunately).

Releasing Sailfish not in correct manner also the fish caused the fish drawn without sufficiently having enough water pass through the lung, likewise holding the fish out of water for too long. Our boatman wi teach everyone the correct way of releasing.

Sailfish is not only the fishes could be found in Kuala Rompin, obviously no other fishes could beat the thrilled and fighting spirit of Sailfish. Other fishes (eatable) that could be found around the sea are Parrot, grouper, amberjack, barracuda and others. All the Sailfish boat operators there would be able to provide exact fishes name and spots, for you to bring back some fishes for Barbeque, but Sail/Bill fish is absolutely and definitely no, it’s protected creature. So remember, its still many other fishes besides sailfish.
Sailfish/billfish competition is being held every year in Kuala Rompin. Are boats and accommodation are all fully booked months in advance.

Below is the detail for 2012 Royal Pahang Sailfish/Bill Competition that was held in Kuala Rompin. This is an annual event that is being sanctioned by Pahang Ministry Of Tourism.