Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Jewel Of Pahang Malaysia - Pieces And History Lesson About Kuala Rompin

Jewel Of Pahang Malaysia - Pieces And History Lesson About Kuala Rompin

By : chuangsp@gmail.com

Having hailed from Kuala Rompin, and spent many years growing up there, and my exposure to how fishing is down in other countries, ie Australia, its always give me the knowledge to help out whatever I can to promote and preserved this home town of my mine to the outside world.

Malaysian, as well other nationalities, are seldom beig exposed to the warm and beauty of what Kuala Rompin can offers. Kuala Rompin is never being promoted in the same manner as Cameron Highland, Genting Highland or Gunung Tahan Forest Reserve. Its has been sidelined by the federal and state government for such a long times of its capability to lure tourists and by passers.

Until sometimes ago some fisher man accidentally found out about it’s a breeding, feeding  ground and half way home for abandon of sail Fish from Feb – Nov, during the migration season from the North hemisphere to the south.

Before Kuala Rompin becomes the Asia Capital Of Sailfish, the lifelihood of folks there are dependant on farming and sea fishing. That was couple of decades ago. Watermelon was planted by many, hence its explained the big watermelon landmark in the middle of Kuala Rompin new town. My dad was one of them.
Long before sailfish bring tourist and anglers money to Kuala Rompin, traveller would stop by Kuala Rompin might go for its river prawn that are still abudant along the Rompin river. You get to buy and eat those prawn if you know where to get it when in town. Done ever miss it as its not easily found elsewhere. One of my friend own a river chalet along the river and would stay here few times a year to catch those river prawn and other river fishes whenever he feel like it.

One Of the three famous landmark in Kuala Rompin
Another landmark of Kuala Rompin
What about Kuala Rompin old town ? When new town was develop roughy three decades ago, the houses in od town were being deserted one by one till there are only one or two household left for now and a few malay fishermen that depend on small boats for fishing. Traveller and anglers are mostly not interested in this part of the town. It has since turn into ghost town, just like one of those deserted town we use to see in the cowboy movie. The old jetty is still there buying fishes catch by those malay fisherman, and their boats are being tucked along the river if there are not out in the sea.

Kuala Rompin Old Town

    Fisherman Boats Tucked Along The River
With that Kuala Rompin slowly but steady becomes the focal points of Sail/Bill Anglers around the world, and turn it into a jewel and becomes the Asia Capital Of Sailfish, with that comes along the support industry, with directly and indirectly contributed to the back bone of economy in Kuala Rompin, which used to depend largely on small skills fishing and farming.

Asia Capital Of Sailfish
Sailfish has put Kuala Rompin on to the world map, hence it’s not an option but to preserve the whole eco-system and responsible fishing be strictly enforced to ensure survival those fish and sustainable sailfish fishing. From my conversation with some fishermen, apparently some sail fish ended up inside those fishing net and be make as fertilizer (as no one really eat sailfish, fortunately).

Releasing Sailfish not in correct manner also the fish caused the fish drawn without sufficiently having enough water pass through the lung, likewise holding the fish out of water for too long. Our boatman wi teach everyone the correct way of releasing.

Kuala Rompin has many nice beaches, amongst all, the one at Lanjut Beach And Golf Resort (Serai at Lanjut) is the cleanest of all. The oe and only 18 holes golf course fronting the resort. Not sure about condition of the course, as have not been playing there for years.

The Beach At Lanjut Beach And Golf Resort (Serai At Lanjut - Refer tripadvisor rating under ketutubud for further information)

Sailfish is not only the fishes could be found in Kuala Rompin, obviously no other fishes could beat the thrilled and fighting spirit of Sailfish. Other fishes (eatable) that could be found around the sea are Parrot, grouper, amberjack, barracuda and others. All the Sailfish boat operators there would be able to provide exact fishes name and spots, for you to bring back some fishes for Barbeque, but Sail/Bill fish is absolutely and definitely no, it’s protected creature. So remember, its still many other fishes besides sailfish.

About 35 minutes down south from Kuala Rompin, passing through Endau, Johor, is a small malay fishing village, Penyabong (Penyabung), situated two kelong (Residency in the middle of sea for anglers - picture), whereby you stay, fish, sleep, bath, eat (food & drink provided, BYO your own Beer or liquor or buy from them). Once you reach Penyabong, the Kelong operators would ferry you to the Kelong using a small fishing boat. Anyway, advance booking is required whether you would try your skill for one night or two.  Those two kelong are located quite close to each other and it’s around three nautical miles from the shore.

The View One Of The Two Kelong
The type of fishes depend on seasons as well your luck, certain season is only cattle fish. Arrangement can also be made if you are into Kelong fishing.

Kelong fishing is more fun when you have a big group, anyone of this Kelong capable of housing 50-80 persons at any one time. You should be able to sumptuous the most fresh seafood inside the kelong, and Barbeque could be arranged if your group is big enough.

Arrangement can be made for company event.

 Beach nearby Rompin Beach Resort (RBR)

Padi Harvesting Season (along the way to Endau-Rompin Forest Reserve)  

One Of The Seven Waterfalls Inside Endau-Rompin Forest Reserve
